a knife | Teen Ink

a knife

August 10, 2011
By big_sis1994 SILVER, Reddick, Florida
big_sis1994 SILVER, Reddick, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you never know what u lost til u have lost it forever

i have a knife in my hand
cutting my arms and wrist
flowing of blood brings joy
the pain is real but pain in my hear is worst
seeing the blade of the knife sink deep in my arm is painful
my tears fall like rain
i wear a jacket so no-one can see
wear make-up to hide my pain
blood dripping down my arm on the floor
feeling so alone and lost
everyone deserted me
so i go home,go to room and start again
the blade of the knife is covered in blood
blood falling everywhere
i need to find another way to hurt my self and not others

The author's comments:
many people feel the need to hurt them but sometimes they don't see that they are hurting other people like their family so they find another way to hut themselves but not hurt the people they love

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