Untitled Poem | Teen Ink

Untitled Poem

July 21, 2011
By Anonymous

My sunkissed face is streaked
thousands of tears have spilled
from my bloodshot, hazel eyes.
Today was the day in history
to try hard to forget.

The black nails are chipping
dark mascara runs down my face
creating midnight spiderwebs
while the crying spiders of my mind
spin bloody webs, trapping my heart

My fragile glass heart is on the edge of shattering
on the cold, unloving floor
where I lie, broken and naked
and the moon casts dark shadows.
I cringe with pain and guilt.

Swaying when I finally stand
my hand reaches out to balance myself
and the slender, black handle
of a knife, my knife
is what my frigid fingers graze.

The thin thread that holds
bloody bits of my heart together
are snapping and tugging
as my soul swells with hurt
and love becomes a mirage.

The author's comments:
Just random, I was extremely tired but couldn't sleep when I wrote this poem. It's pretty all over the place. Hope you enjoy!

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