The Tears I Cry | Teen Ink

The Tears I Cry

July 15, 2011
By Hally BRONZE, Ruleville, Mississippi
Hally BRONZE, Ruleville, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stressing and Obession ain't my style, but all I want is some-one to make me smile"

The pain you caused will never easily fade away
I forgave a monster because it seemed easier.
The thought of knowing that he will never hurt me again is easier.
Much easier to know that I won't see the bloody river flowing from his mouth after each lie is easier.

My soul seems dark and lonely and my heart is empty
You made me feel as if I'm worthless
I hold my head up high like an eagle in the free sky
But I feel like a giraffe, with a broken neck.

If you would open your blind eyes, you would see that my love shines brighter than the sun above.
You're the dark cloud that pushes me back from the earth.
I have forgiven you enough to say I'm sorry for the pain I have caused, but my heart still holds anger.
Anger from when you made the mistake that I have to pay for.

Forgiveness is what I have, but I do not forgive you just yet.

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