First Daughter | Teen Ink

First Daughter

June 24, 2011
By GiselleJ BRONZE, Missouri City, Texas
GiselleJ BRONZE, Missouri City, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Live in the land of &quot;what next&quot;...not &quot;if only&quot;!&quot;<br /> &quot;Do what you feel because those that mind don&#039;t matter and those that matter don&#039;t mind.&quot;<br /> &quot;You can do anything, but not everything.&quot;<br /> &quot;Sometimes you can only see the stars when it&#039;s completely dark&quot;

An angel.
God’s perfect piece of pottery.
A painting splattered in mindsets.
A role model.
A beauty.
A virgin until marriage.
Legs properly crossed
Skirt not too short
Shirt not too tight
Always smiling and waving and hugging
Never presenting any true emotions
Never daring to state any opinions
What my mind thinks, doesn’t matter
People’s desires are my puppeteer, they control me
Words put into my mouth, like a stoic, ventriloquist dummy
Desperately trying to follow every demand
Life’s marvelous and melancholy marionette
Being who people expect me to be
Being someone I’ll hate, inevitably
Being a piece of pottery that will break, eventually
Being a painting, retouched times, innumerably
Being judged, constantly
Hatred building in my heart, indefinitely
Placed on a pedestal, involuntarily
All my past, present, and future mistakes accessible for all to see
The Christ… my Redeemer
The Cross…my Shelter
The Bible… my Friend
The Pastor… my Dad
I do what is expected of me
Because Hell isn’t an option.

The author's comments:
Talks about the complications of your dad being a pastor

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