No Senses | Teen Ink

No Senses

May 19, 2011
By geenamaharaj SILVER, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
geenamaharaj SILVER, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds."

My eyes have been sewn shut
My tongue met a knife and was cut
My ears have been closed and stuffed into my nose
My skin is as numb as a slut.
My ears are blind to sonorous smooth symphonies
My eyes are deaf to pulchritude floating on trees
My tongue can no longer taste the blue in the berries
My skin cannot feel the relief of a cool summer breeze
My self nose no beauty, I can only smell the beast
My body lives off the evil food, I’m provided with a feast.
My brain will fail to wake up if beauty shakes me violently,
My brain will be startled by malevolence then celebrating triumphantly.
My heart has no part. It was removed by a greedy hand
My emotions were pulled out soon after. Don’t worry, they’re no longer in command.

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