Where I Am From | Teen Ink

Where I Am From

May 22, 2011
By PaleShadows BRONZE, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
PaleShadows BRONZE, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from friends and swing set adventures
From playing dress up on each rainy day
I am from flowing laughter, sweet music and song
I am from books, good friends of paper
The bringers of tales, heroes and love

I am also from hardship, from blood and from tears
Each hot stinging pain that comes from a blow
I am from bad words, from hatred and exile
I am from places where people are wronged

I am from good words, kind actions and care
Also from places where people accept me
I am from laughing blue rivers, proud mountains, cold stars
I am from decisions that people have made

I am from parents, Christine and Paul
The kind, caring people who love me each day
I am from flesh and from blood and from bone
I am from ancestors long, long ago
Making a life in the dark dawn before time

I am from soft gooey cookies, still hot to the touch
The sweet scent of flowers freshly cut from the bush
I am from friendship, laughter and smiles
From sprawling messes and disorganized thoughts

I am from love and from hope for my future
From finding my path at the first break of day

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