Invisible Numbers | Teen Ink

Invisible Numbers

May 16, 2011
By ChelseaSinclair SILVER, Smithtown, New York
ChelseaSinclair SILVER, Smithtown, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He preached to beings in oblivion
A kaleidoscope of numbers make up the world we live in.
One ominous countdown revealed our global sin.
Worldly devastation, neglectful is all we’ve been.
Skeletal limbs cross our path and tug at our feet.
Here stands a preacher who can not get across what he has preached.
The hand of time circumnavigates the air and waters of the beach.
Reluctance in his tone creates a stampede within his speech.
As the bell relieves the silence,
The congregation stares in awe,
Adoring what they never imagined they would adore before.
Now having acceptance for every being of every kind,
Although across the grids, the lines never divide.
The solemn beings were dismissed with heavy hearts subsiding.
A new love for each other is subliming.

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