Comfort | Teen Ink


April 21, 2011
By Spencer Smith SILVER, Peoria, Arizona
Spencer Smith SILVER, Peoria, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You comforted me when I was upset
You held me when I was crying from the
Hurtful act of others
They would seem like I’m still their friend
The next day they would be mad at me
They accused me of something I didn’t do
It felt like everything was crumbling around me
I shed tears that represented my lost hope
I tried to make it better
They threatened me
You took action to protect me from them
You loved me enough to prevent me from getting
Hurt. I have always felt safe with you
I want to protect you in return
But we both know
You don’t need protection or comfort
You are my rock
You have wonderful compassion
You make me feel cherished
I have God to thank for that
You’re able to fight your own battles
You don’t care what others think of you
These people called you overprotective
But you weren’t offended
I was appalled at their comment
Yet you said I didn’t need to worry

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem as a dedication to my mom, I love you mom and i always will!:)

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