He reminds me of a heart | Teen Ink

He reminds me of a heart

April 7, 2011
By Spencer Smith SILVER, Peoria, Arizona
Spencer Smith SILVER, Peoria, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He reminds me of a heart
He will seem cute and nice
He will also make me laugh or smile
But appearances aren’t always what they seem

He will be make me feel like I’m content, for a while
He will also make me smile at his cuteness
But he is not one of the good hearts
He will make me feel confused

He will do things that make me unsure about him
Those things make his scent permeate like spoiled milk
But when I see him, He will still seem stable
But he is not that fragile

He comes with different emotions as well
He comes with sadness, because he was not the right heart
His appearance seemed beautiful
But he made choices made it broken

I learned this from an experience
Other people knew what he was truly like
But I still looked only at the appearance
Not what was actually underneath

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