Love's Leash | Teen Ink

Love's Leash

April 2, 2011
By ckhorse SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
ckhorse SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A friend is someone who walks in on you when the rest of the world walks out.

Forever holding you back,
The chain around your neck,
Pulls the last thread of hope,
From your burning heart.

He pulls you in,
Against your will.
His hands tear your heart,
Apart from your chest.

The thought of breathing,
Is out of the question.
His heart wrenching smile,
Keeps you ever guessing.

You stretch only so far,
For love’s leash keeps you,
Always within his reach.
He has the ultimate power.

Longing to be free.
The burn from your collar,
Reminds you always of the leash,
He has around your heart.

The author's comments:
Whenever I am having a down moment I best handle it with writing a poem. I wrote this in the car on my phone in less than ten minutes.

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