Edge of Emotions | Teen Ink

Edge of Emotions

March 17, 2011
By Aguza BRONZE, Belview, Minnesota
Aguza BRONZE, Belview, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I go down to the edge of the sea,
water flows in front-
Coming up close
and closer-
it’s next to me.

I put my feet in,
knee high it is.
Anger and dis-regret-
is rising beneath me,
growing higher,
I am frustrated.

I don’t know-
what thought to think,
and when am I suppose to-
think of all the thoughts?

Setting sun,
darkness begins to appear-
all around.
My feet are sunk in the sand.
It is damp and cool-
between my toes.
Water rushing to my knees.
And all I think is “why me”?

Just take a deep breath,
lock it inside-
hold it-
then simply let it go.

Feel the sweet breeze,
brushing against my cheek,
the hairs on my arms
the back of my neck-
chills run across.

Today is just a day,
Tomorrow will be another,
each day has its moments.
They all become memories.

It’s gone completely-
the sun.
It’s dark,
there is no light.
Moonlight is my guide to see-
once I am ready to leave,
but not yet.

So bright it makes me squint.
My eyes are shutting;
maybe I’ll just lay for a few moments.
Here in the sand.
I whisper.

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