As it strikes noon | Teen Ink

As it strikes noon

February 18, 2011
By Lanie15 BRONZE, Bartlett, Tennessee
Lanie15 BRONZE, Bartlett, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dont just wish for it<br /> Work for it

The world starts to slow.
As we all turn in silently.
We snuggle and with love ones
and kiss the dead a due.
As it strikes past noon.

The world starts to shift.
And all in wonder fall apart.
As the world collapses in all parts
some ponder confusion,
others try to run.
As it strikes past noon.

The world plummets to the bottom
as we all fall within.
people hug and kiss as the say goodbye as they hold on with all their loving and good will.
As it strikes noon.

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