Dream World | Teen Ink

Dream World

February 16, 2011
By Lanie15 BRONZE, Bartlett, Tennessee
Lanie15 BRONZE, Bartlett, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dont just wish for it<br /> Work for it

As we walk along the sandy beach
i see him silently start to preach.
He waves his finger in the air
and decides to show the his loving care.
He talks and mumbles and stumbles through
just to make sure it gets to you.
he takes your hand and gently says
smiling is one form of happiness.
You take his hand and pull him tight
just as u hear a knock on the door and bear him good night.
you miss him the most
when no one is close.

The author's comments:
I hope people understand that this is about love and dont ever rush it.
Make sure they are right for you.

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