the great | Teen Ink

the great

January 24, 2011
By osvaldo BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
osvaldo BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Im scared to lose love, but im even more scared to love again" - wale

Something I don’t understand.
So simple.
Yet so complex.
Love has its benefits and downsides.
Yea I went through it all with my ex.
Happy when you find a new love.
It’s a shame one had to go to waste.
Love can save you.
Love can hurt you.
Even both at the same time.
Love you cant play with.
Yet love plays with you.
As cupid plays with love.
Love creates emotions.
Don’t let them fall over you like an anvil.
Or stomp on you like an anthill.
Emotions will deicide your actions.
Clash between good and evil.
Love is a crazy thing.
If your deeply into it for her you will do anything.
Because inside it feels so right.
And for the moment nothing else exist.
You just want to see that smile.
Hoping it will last more than just a while.
Nothing can come between you.
No aparthied.
Yea just let them all know you did it because you tried.
Even though at first you didn’t understand.
Love is confusing but with time you realize.
Because there is chemistry.
When you can say I showed you the best of me.
Love can really set one free.
So just let her see the warmth in your love inside you.
As you stare out the window while she lay beside you.
As the day turns dark let her know you love is true.
Inside you will have known that her heart is what you have WON.
Now let her sleep give her the moon.
And in the morning when she wakes greet her with the SON.

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