Circle of Love | Teen Ink

Circle of Love

January 17, 2011
By I.R.MacCay SILVER, Anchorage, Alaska
I.R.MacCay SILVER, Anchorage, Alaska
5 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm gonna live my life. I'm gonna kick your but at anything you challenge me at, and I'm gonna do everything that can and can't be done. If you want to stop me go ahead, try to stop me. Just try." I. R. MacCay

Once I was happy.
Once I was strong.
Once I was independent.
Once I was full.
Once I was…alone.

Then you came to my life.

You walked through the door.
You said hello.
You shook my hand.
You stayed near me.
You were…unwilling to leave.

Just like me.

We grew up together.
We understood one another.
We needed each other.
We kissed together.
We… fell in a love.

But one that wasn’t meant to last.

We began to grow apart.
We lost all understanding of one another
We no longer needed each other.
We yelled together.
We decided… to part.

But it hurt more then words can describe.

You walked out the door.
You said goodbye.
You kissed my forehead.
You left me.
You were…crying.

Just like me.

Now I’m depressed.
Now I’m weak.
Now I’m useless.
Now I’m empty.
Now I’m… alone.

Only this time I feel it.

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