Sometimes with Obstacles | Teen Ink

Sometimes with Obstacles

January 20, 2011
By xJack_of_Heartsx BRONZE, Everson, Washington
xJack_of_Heartsx BRONZE, Everson, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When in doubt, C-4.

Each day a new obstacle, some small some huge, adding to the old ones. Every once in a while I find a way around one or two of the obstacles, but in doing so sometimes find more obstacles.

Though rarely an obstacle may be good and it will stay for a long time, but eventually they always go away. Times with no obstacles are ironically, depressing, because when their aren’t any obstacles its boring. There’s nothing to do, nothing I can do. There are the obstacles so big I can’t do anything to get around them. So it just looms there getting bigger and bigger until the day it crashes down on me. Sometimes I can dig my way out, but I'm still stuck in a few piles from the past, waiting to be found.

People help me the best they can, sometimes they get me out, sometimes they get stuck too. Sometimes I have the strength to plow through those big obstacles, but that draws attention and soon I get swarmed by tons of small obstacles. A life of obstacles makes a person ready for anything, and being a person everyone comes to makes more obstacles. Then you have to find more ways of avoiding obstacles only to find more!

In my life, sometimes there’s obstacles, be happy to join me! ^-^

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