The World's Burden | Teen Ink

The World's Burden

December 14, 2010
By jaredt3 BRONZE, Slidell, Louisiana
jaredt3 BRONZE, Slidell, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The World’s Burden
Take up the World’s Burden—
See everyone live and breathe
Then go just as quick,
And no longer need to feed
To watch as they fight
To hear the shots and screams
To see a family lose a member
For no reason as it seems

Take up the World’s Burden—
Be destroyed by its people,
Who know what they do
Watch as rocks become lethal,
And assets be deprived
Hear the cry from a child
But the inability to help
Sort of drives one wild

Take up the World’s Burden—
Pretend everything is nice,
But know something is wrong
When a man can’t afford rice
Make the sky blue
Imagine it was a good day
Then hear a neck break
On that beautiful day of May.

Take up the World’s Burden—
Witness an innocent man get life
Then watch the real criminal
Go on and rape his wife
See a million dreams fade away
But as many say life goes on
Noone seems to care but you
Who no one can depend upon

Take up the World’s Burden—
Know that freedom is never near
You may never leave
Nothing is ever clear
People blame you for everything
When you gave them a home
There’s nothing one can do
When they feel alone.

The author's comments:
Inspired by Rudyard Kipling's "The White Man's Burden"

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