The Feeling | Teen Ink

The Feeling

December 8, 2010
By osvaldo BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
osvaldo BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Im scared to lose love, but im even more scared to love again" - wale

First day of class saw you come through.
So gorgeous as you walked in, just look at you.
Cant lie I had to stare.
Your eyes so beautiful each glare.
Stood out in a class full of students.
Wanted to talk to you but then again who didn’t?
My ego said I would get neglected.
That I would be ignored and rejected.
But what do I got to lose?
Either talk or hush, just choose.
I chose to talk.
Now I’m in a deep sea remembering just,
How pretty you are.
In my crib laid low.
Counting days I prayed for this, s*** I prayed for.
Your name says it all.
So bright in the light,
So expensive you cant touch,
Like sugar you’ll melt in the rain,
So sweet your voice you can hear,
Like a melody going through my ear.
So beautiful and stunning, in you nice cloths.
The best in our class everyone knows.
You have outstanding attributes.
You have a cute personality & a chill attitude.
You can be the perfect model, get big bucks for your pics.
I choose to hang out with you the both of us,
The sun doesn’t always shine.
When its mad its bad.
The sky might flash and whine.
Something that makes me happy is thinking of you.
Most of all I’m happy when you always come through.
With you ill be fine.
No matter what rain or shine.
If I could make everything fall were it should be,
I would.
If I could make life better for you,
I would.
But I cant.
All I can do is let you know mine has been better,
Because of you.
I promise to be there when u need me.
I promise to hug you when you lonely.
I promise to wipe your tears when they fall.
I promise to always care about you,
Not for the rest of my life,
But for the rest of yours.
This is a poem for thee girl with the name
I Will Never Forget

The author's comments:
its just a poem about when you see a beautiful girl walk by were ever you are. And you want to say somthing but your to scared.

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