butterflies | Teen Ink


December 6, 2010
By osvaldo BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
osvaldo BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Im scared to lose love, but im even more scared to love again" - wale

Its like butterflies in your stomach.
Then again some pain is there.
Its like hell without you.
here, there or any were.
I need a distraction.
Or maybe someone who can catch my attraction.
Can you blame me?
For the one I love most hates me.
At time i envy thee.
I wish i could be with her.
Can i be set free?
Those feeling you got when you heard my name are they still there?
i hope they don't burst into flames, or evaporate in mid air.
Not even crash like a car.
Cram those feelings and put them inside.
Never let them flash or get far.
If your not yourself then who's in control?
Tell me is your body losing this war?

The author's comments:
just that feeling you got or you get sometimes.
when things didn't go right.
emotions running through your head.

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