My Guardian Angel | Teen Ink

My Guardian Angel

December 1, 2010
By cassie670 SILVER, Houston, Texas
cassie670 SILVER, Houston, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&lrm;&quot;If i were God&quot;, he asked the marine, &quot;what would you want for Christmas?&quot;<br /> After a long time the Marine answered, &quot;Give me tomorrow&quot;

Everyday people change
Things change.
Everybody moves fast around me
Suffocating me as the air escapes my lungs.
I scream out for help but no one hears.
To wrapped up in their pity problems.
As I fall to the floor from lack of oxygen
Someone is there.
To save me. Rescue me from destruction.
Warm hands grasp my arms. Lifts me above all.
That someone is a guardian angel.
Never seen or heard but always there to protect you.
With my guardian I can breathe again.
Breathe in crisp cool air.
And have all the weight off my shoulders.
Then one day you left.
Without a word.
Suddenly I fell hard to the ground
From where you kept me high and safe.
I waited for you as if you left by mistake.
After waiting and waiting and no word
I gave up and figured you will never answer my prayers.
But I have a small hope that you will come back down.
Hear my calls for you and someday answer
A short reply to a question that haunts me
My guardian angel why did you leave me?

The author's comments:
This is about when i was going through my parents divorce and i meet someone who picked me up and helped me then out of nowhere they left me and i was back at the bottom of everything.

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