North Star | Teen Ink

North Star

December 1, 2010
By cassie670 SILVER, Houston, Texas
cassie670 SILVER, Houston, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&lrm;&quot;If i were God&quot;, he asked the marine, &quot;what would you want for Christmas?&quot;<br /> After a long time the Marine answered, &quot;Give me tomorrow&quot;

Just because there's distance
And the different times
What i know for sure is
I want to make you mine.
Every night before i close my eyes
I look out to the stars
For every star i see
I make a wish to you
But the star i wish upon the most
Is the north star cause
I know you see it too
The brightest star in the darkest sky
Will shine its way down to you tonight.
I hope you make a wish as i do every time
Since even though we cant be together
Our wishes will unite.

The author's comments:
This is about having someone close to your heart but being very far away from them. And that your are still connected to them through the north star

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