Anger | Teen Ink


December 3, 2010
By Erryn SILVER, Bangor, Maine
Erryn SILVER, Bangor, Maine
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space "between the notes and curl my back to loneliness." ~Maya Angelou, Gather Together in My Name

You stand rugged,

Face stern,

Your hair wild,

Like the sea in a storm

When the waves crash against the rocks

And you can see the water's anger

Because the moon is pushing.


Pushing it agaisnt the cliff

Eroding the soil

Like your eyes are eroding me.

Breaking me down,

Parts of me breaking away,

Parts of me vanishing.


Like how the stars are dying

And no one can see they have already gone.

And you can't see that I have already faded.

Like the ass of your jeans are faded

Because they're you're favorite pair

Because I bought them for you;

The way you bought me with your smile

And how you are selling me short

With your anger.

Your voice booms

Like we're at a high school dance

And the music fills our souls.

We are dancing.

Dancing around eachother's lives

Stepping on eachother's feet

Our opinions

Like our bodies

Bumping and Grinding.

Bumping down the rocky roads we call life

Living each day for granted

Only halting at the Stop signs and red lights

Never looking up to see the yellow light

Glaring at us

Yelling at us


Your body shakes

Like you are the Earth

And your tectonic plates are feuding

Like I am Global Warming

And I'm destroying you

Like I'm creating holes

In your ozone layer

Like I'm a gas penetrating

Your thoughts...

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