El Mar | Teen Ink

El Mar

November 22, 2010
By jennafriedberg SILVER, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
jennafriedberg SILVER, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our sweetest laughter,<br /> With some pain id fraught,<br /> Our sweetest songs are those<br /> that tell of saddest thought.

The sand settles beneath my feet
Shells crunch a soothing beat.
I walk along the shores I see,
The shores that once so frightened me.

The waves dance with soothing churn
melodic rhythm, as the world turns.
Waters enhanced with mystic salts
Brought in with wisping waltz.

I hear sounds of Sirens,
Luring to their disguised islands,
Singing songs of woe and yore,
calling to the Eastern Shore.

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