Skies | Teen Ink


November 22, 2010
By jennafriedberg SILVER, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
jennafriedberg SILVER, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Our sweetest laughter,<br /> With some pain id fraught,<br /> Our sweetest songs are those<br /> that tell of saddest thought.

The sky envelopes us
With an invisible cloak.
Heavy and light,
Dark, and bright.

It sets while it rises,
Is still while it moves.
Fierce and innocent
Straight, and bent.

The unseen flow carries us
While leaving us in our place
A harmful relief
To start the old world anew.

She darkens and booms,
To bring light and silence.
Limitly endless
And disturbingly serene.

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