somethings you can't control. | Teen Ink

somethings you can't control.

November 10, 2010
By bryanna SILVER, Warfield, Kentucky
bryanna SILVER, Warfield, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"be good, or be good at it."

its like the death of a close friend.
sitting there by them , holding their hand and knowing there is nothing
you can do to help them.

its like the sun rising in the morning.
you want to sleep longer, you wish time wouldnt go by so fast but there
is nothing you can do to stop it.

its like rain.
it comes down hard, if you walk in it, your soaked but there is
nothing you can do to keep it from coming down.

loving you.
its hard, its pointless but yet completely amazing and there is
nothing i can do from feeling this way.

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