I'm Just A Girl | Teen Ink

I'm Just A Girl

October 5, 2010
By CourtneyM. BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
CourtneyM. BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I never thought you'd leave me,
But I also never thought you'd use me,
I guess I thought you were someone else,
someone different,
someone who actually cared,
I guess I was wrong about you,
You lied to me,
You told me you'd never hurt me,
but you did....you left me,
well I believed you when you told me you'd always be there,
I trusted you with all of my heart, and I never doubted you,
But after all the lies you told me and the games you played,
I got sick of it,
And I noticed something,
I noticed that I don't need you,
I have more important things to worry about,
And I noticed you were never good enough for me,
I'm the girl who helped you when you were struggling,
I'm the girl you called when you needed a shoulder to cry on,
I'm that girl,
But I'm also that girl who didn't deserve to be hurt,
But you hurt me anyway,
Why me?
How could you have possibly done this to me,
I'm just a girl, a girl who trusted you with her heart,
And you thought it was just some toy,
You played the game and went running off,
You left and forgot me,
Now I'm here all alone wondering why,
Why did I even give you a chance,
I guess I thought you'd turn out to be someone,
Someone you'll never be,
So this is goodbye because.....,
I'm waiting for that one boy to cherish my heart and cherish me,
And prove to me that they're all not like you,
I'm just a girl,
Don't you see?


The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this poem because the boys in the relationship never see the girls point of view. This shows the girls true feelings on how guys treat girls.

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