Breathe | Teen Ink


May 31, 2010
By ChelseaSinclair SILVER, Smithtown, New York
ChelseaSinclair SILVER, Smithtown, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Save a deep breath so when they find you,
Your heart can live on,
As if the beating has been hushed by the howling of fire spreading.

The shattering of windows and the pulsing of bruises,
Has begun to play repetitively by now.

Save a deep breath so when they find you,
Your tears don't drown your words.

As if the sound of the alarm had triggered a long lost memory,
Buried with you under the wreckage.

Save a deep breath, so when they find you,
You can hug your children.

As if the unfamiliar white cloud hadn't knocked you into a haze.
You could never disguise the impressions of the belt.

So as the hazel of your eyes roll back into a miraculious state of confusion,
Take a deep breath, so when they find you,
You can't wish they had.

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