Grandpa | Teen Ink


May 20, 2010
By Katie Ferrara BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
Katie Ferrara BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do tears fall from my eyes,
For someone my eyes have never fell upon?
Do these uncontrollable faucets turn on for the man himself
Or is the knob pushed because of the people he was close to?
If I do not know this man
Is it possible to miss him?
To long to smell his strong, light aroma
To wish for one small, perfect, snaggle-toothed smile
To wonder what it would feel like for him to wrap his strong, withering arms around me.
Why do I long for the company I’ve never had?
Does this company long for me?
Will I meet him up above one day?
Or will I meet him only through the words of memory?

The author's comments:
I never got to my grandpa and I wish I could have.

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