Cocaine City | Teen Ink

Cocaine City

April 13, 2010
By Alfie SILVER, York, Other
Alfie SILVER, York, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'If the people fall silent, stones will shout.' - Majdanek Nazi Death camp.

Mind blowing, ecstatic, everyone’s high.

The white winds of cocaine city blow, and paint the landscape,
With the innocence it possesses.

Young kids, old kids, Grandpa, Aunty Pam.

Everyone’s high in cocaine city. Even the trees.

And the roads, and the cars, and the swings,

And the buses, and the paths, and the bushes,
And the bins, and the rooftops of houses high as high can be,
Flying like a kite, in cocaine city.

Such a sad sight it is, when the cocaine melts, and leaves the city’s veins,
And its replacement is not exhilarating, but a hindrance.

The streets of cocaine city, turn into the streets: of slush suburb.

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Beef. PLATINUM said...
on Jan. 5 2013 at 2:08 am
Beef. PLATINUM, Kenmore, Washington
29 articles 0 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
Does my sexiness upset you? <br /> Does it come as a surprise <br /> That I dance like I&#039;ve got diamonds <br /> At the meeting of my thighs? <br /> - Maya Angelou, Still I Rise<br /> <br /> Nothing ends<br /> Nothing ever ends<br /> - Dr. Manhattan, Watchmen

Slush city; greatest analogy for a cocaine comedown ever