Haiti | Teen Ink


February 26, 2010
By Dominick BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Dominick BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Believe in yourself and only good things will come your way

The sky darkened up above
The earth opened up at our feet
We asked god to please show us his love
As children screamed all over the street

Terrified and scared were those who were saved
They desperately searched for their loved ones
Bodies were found in buildings that caved
A woman cried as she searched for her sons

In the air you could here all the moans
Though help was sent from far away
This small country felt so alone
The world gathered together to pray

We believe that today there is hope
For that country that lost so much
Together we will stand and help them cope
And pray that god heals them with his loving touch

The author's comments:
I was touched by all the people who helped in a time of need. So many people in Haiti have suffered and I believe that through the kindness of others and the spirit of hope they will pull through and stay strong.
I hope that the world remembers how much every one person on this earth needs to lend a helping hand not only for those we know, but especially those we don't know.

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