Riddles&&Rhymes | Teen Ink


December 18, 2009
By Sahray SILVER, Thomasville, North Carolina
Sahray SILVER, Thomasville, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Writing can be a passion or a obsession, only someone pure of heart can make it both."- Sahray Gold

I said I need time
No more riddles
No more rhymes
I need space
To get my life back on the right pace
I need time to breathe so it was obvious
It was time for me to leave
You can see the tears I am holding back
In my eyes and you know I need no more lies
So sick of sadness so sick of tears
I have had so many over the past few years
So all I ask is for some time
No more riddles no more rhymes

The author's comments:
Don't we all get here at some point in life? Where we feel like someone we care about just wants to play games? Where you feel like your suffocating from all the fights and lies. Don't you ever feel like when they say something you have to interpret a riddle? At some point you say forget it and let them figure out there own riddles because by that point, you have just had more then enough of it.

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