Let's Pretend... | Teen Ink

Let's Pretend...

December 18, 2009
By Sahray SILVER, Thomasville, North Carolina
Sahray SILVER, Thomasville, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Writing can be a passion or a obsession, only someone pure of heart can make it both."- Sahray Gold

Let’s pretend that she was finally
Picking up the pieces of her life
She found someone who made her
Feel great being who she was.
Let's pretend she DIDN'T have to pretend,
She didn’t have to act.
It was a unreal release,
She got scared,
She said “we’re better friend”
A lie she knew would later kill her
She figured it was better for him
Not to see the real her
The one with the broken past
And the shattered dreams
The one who never knew
That love could happen
Without strings attached
She was so scared of losing him
That she worried every night
She needed to breathe
So she pushed him away
Then every night
After that she suffocated in…
Her own regret

The author's comments:
This was written when i first reliezed i had fallen in love with my bestfriend. It was a very scary thing to go through and in the end i ended up following my heart and being with him, but just as i had feared we ended(only after falling in love), and our friendship was forever lost.

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