The colorful Arch Across The Sky | Teen Ink

The colorful Arch Across The Sky

December 4, 2009
By MauriceC BRONZE, Arrington, Virginia
MauriceC BRONZE, Arrington, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" Just two things , I'm Loud and Proud "

There are many colors that completes this arc
They’re all so colorful I don’t know where to start

I guess I’ll start with the color of a heart
Some people can’t tell red and pink apart

Then there’s the color of pumpkins and flames
I think it would be orange or there’s another name

This color is so mellow , like a lady or fellow
This is that just wants to say hello cause its yellow

When you think of nature what comes in between
Maybe the color of grass and leaves is green

The sky so big where it all takes place
Most of it is blue and has lots of space

The next color is a type of Blue
Indigo can describe a purplish blue

A mixtures of red and blue
The final color violet that has been saved for you

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