To Glee | Teen Ink

To Glee

November 19, 2009
By Jordyn Coats BRONZE, Dunn, North Carolina
Jordyn Coats BRONZE, Dunn, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This poem is meant to be
the secret path guiding you to Glee.
It is meant to show you love
and drift through your heart like a dove.
Though it sinks and creeps
and crawls into deep
unknown places
and dwells in those spaces
where your heavy soul
is as black as coal.
These words fill your veins
acting as steel chains
keeping you bound
to the earthly ground
never to set foot on a puff.
Nothing is ever good enough
for you. Words are what you
wish them to turn into.
Don't blame me for
washing upon your shore.
You chose to listen
and I told my ocean not to glisten.
Do not blame me for your sorrow,
I did not aim that arrow.
I only shot
into a vacant lot
where you just happened to be
waiting for Glee.

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