Dreamer | Teen Ink


October 19, 2023
By Anonymous


Moon glow

Green grass

Crickets' song

Fields of flowers

Blankets on beds

Head in the clouds

Talking about you

Daydreaming about you

Dreaming about you

Talking to you

Sleeping alone

Head someplace else

Pencil and paper

Worksheets and tests

Working a job

Feeding myself


Thinking about you

Staying up

Waiting for your reply

Scrolling through your socials since 2016

Asking you every year if you love me

No reply

Not even on read

I ask myself why

I try

But when I see you I make up

a lie

"They're too busy for me" 

Than the next day

"They have a life" 

Than that night

"I'm just a friend" 

Than the next morning

"I'm not that important"

Then I see you

"They don't really care" 

I catch up to you

"I'm not important"

I'm stumbling on my shoelaces

I go home

I study

I eat

I scroll through your social media

You haven't posted since June 17th 2023

I saw you on August 19th

I sleep

I dream

I scream

I awake

I sleep

I awake again

I sprint to school

I forget to eat

I dash to your class

I crash through the door

The frozen classroom air chills my skin

I call out to you as I run

You don't turn your head

I stop

I know it's too late

"I'm just a friend" 


- 2nd Year of College 2023

The author's comments:

This is fictional, none of these events actually happened. 

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on Nov. 2 2023 at 6:26 pm
SunnySkies GOLD, Cleveland, Tennessee
19 articles 4 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Cheer up my brother live in the sunshine, we'll understand it, all by and by.

This is a fake story..