What the ocean brings out | Teen Ink

What the ocean brings out

October 17, 2023
By Anonymous

I am at my happy place

feeling the swirl of peacefulness on my feet,

A walk on a never ending path.

Where I know there is no end point; 

Everything is at peace.

Rays of colorful sunlight, glistening off turquoise ocean, 

The texture of turquoise feels like the waves hitting my  legs.

On the grainy opaque sand,

There lives seagulls who sound louder than the waves,

The white birds searching for any items the ocean left for them.

The sea can show a different side, 

Just like a rough storm in the wind.

It has silent caves, 

The emptiness of waters

Also holds a whole different planet.

The beach is like an escape. 

Where you see gems everywhere I walk, 

The angelic area where everything is at peace.

Everything at peace.

An escape from reality,

Where I can be the best version of myself possible.

The author's comments:

Mother- Daughter Poem

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