The random dreams | Teen Ink

The random dreams

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

I can never understand when people describe their dreams

Word for word and remember anything

I've never been able to remember my dreams

I always wake up at the height of the dream and then never get the whole dream

But last night was different

I dreamed I woke up in a 3 bedroom condo in Hawaii

I woke up with the sun glaring in my eyes through the large windows

I was greeted with a strawberry acai lemonade from Starbucks and an acai bowl from Birch and Banyan

The person seemed to be George Washington

He was wearing a fire red shirt and tennis shoes 

He said “Halo”

At first glance, it confused me

I thought I was just waking up but felt I was still in a dream

Then as I was eating my breakfast I looked out and saw a storm approaching

It was rainy with a million foggy clouds approaching 

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