I am | Teen Ink

I am

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

First responders-I am


I stand by my family that walks away from the flames 

I stand by my family that walks away from the water 

I stand by my family that walks away from the engines

I stand by my family that walks away from the tears and anger

I stand by my family that walks away from the ashes

I stand by my family that walks away from the smoke

I stand by my family that walks away from the sirens 

I stand by my family that walks away from the questions 

I stand by my family that walks away from the interviews 

I stand by my family that walks away from the guilt  

I stand by my family that walks away from the patients 

I stand by my family that walks away from the stubborn situations 

We are first responders. We are family and maybe not by blood but by heart, because not everyone can do our job.

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