Never enough time to not enjoy what you love | Teen Ink

Never enough time to not enjoy what you love

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

I enjoy the bright sun shining on me. 

I enjoy the crisp air when leaves are falling to the ground. 

I enjoy how the sun glistened on the water when tubing.

I enjoy the noise of the ocean waves crashing into land.

I enjoy seeing people have fun. 

I enjoy walking dogs in the cool air with little breeze.

I enjoy drinking ice cold water with the crunch of ice in the water.

I enjoy being with animals and hearing the silly sounds they make. 

I enjoy the crackling noise of a campfire. 

I enjoy hearing the loud noise when my family is together.

I enjoy hearing the crackling sounds when you step on firm snow. 

I enjoy looking high in the sky to find the shooting star.

I enjoy the different colors when looking out at the sunrise. 

I enjoy hearing the beat when the music turns on in the car.

I enjoy making people laugh.

I enjoy helping people.

I enjoy finding different and unique seashells on the shore of the beach.

I enjoy the smells of flowers and the different scent that comes off each one.

Many challenges happen in the world. 

I am not perfect.

I am not going to get everything I want.

I am not always going to have the perfect day.

Although challenges can define who you are as a person. 

People come and go in life. 

You make mistakes. 

You have a draining day.

You want to give up but that can't happen because giving up won't get you anywhere. 

You will meet new people along the journey of your life. 

The people who go are the people who you learned from. 

It takes a long time to be able to gain trust.

 But you have to keep a positive mindset because no one can define you as a person. 

No one can tell you who you are and aren't. 

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