seeing your memories | Teen Ink

seeing your memories

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

Different parts of my life, kept in photos and videos

I know it sounds stupid and basic

If I had to save one thing it would be my phone

But not my phone itself but the memories I keep it in

Capturing each memory and feeling

The happy moments, like going to see the sunset with your friends

The sad moments, like saying bye to my brother when he's leaving for California

The exciting moments, like your first day of senior year

It's not the object itself that's important 

But what that object holds

It's like you don't just have to imagine your memories, past events

You can look at them and experience them through pictures

You can look at yourself and remember who you once were

Seeing yourself smile, seeing yourself at your best times and your worst

Re Feeling what you felt and saw in that exact moment

The knowing you'll always have that, something you can see and not just think about it

Being young it's hard to live and free feel when you are always on your phone or computer or something

It's the feeling of always having to take a video or picture

And if you didn't

It didn't actually happen

I don't want to feel like that, feel the need to always share what I'm going through but I've always loved pictures and videos

I don't feel like I need a picture to show people, to prove

I like the feeling of looking back on something you can actually look at, The visual aspect

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