Shutter Shutter | Teen Ink

Shutter Shutter

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

One day, 

a long long time ago, 

you came into my life.


It was a day 

that I do not remember at all,

but people in my life worship this day. 

You witnessed every raw moment of it,

and have likely seen me every day since. 

You have witnessed most highs and lows of my life. 

Many can miss you in the blink of an eye. 

You have improved yourself since the day I met you. 

I adore you and your capabilities. 

The strength you have, 

amazes me each day. 

You allow me to see the things I have missed. 

You allow me to see the good and the bad. 


Our relationship is like unfiltered love. 

My heart explodes when I think of you. 

I catch you looking at me, 

I can’t help but smile. 

You can see the side of me, 

that I hide from many 

I am not afraid to show you the real me. 

You allow me to look back on the happier times.

See that there is good in the world. 

The memories, 

when everyone was much happier. 

The memories, 

that showed my whole family. 


The good ole days. 

Without you,

my life would be nothing.

The constant joy you bring into my life, 


The constant happiness you bring into my life, 


The endless smiles you put on my face, 


You lift me up when I am down. 

My blurry childhood, 

you make it clear.

You crop out all of the imperfections.

All the fighting that occurred. 

All the tears shed. 

All the hopeless nights. 

I am not sure if others on the outside, 

really understood what was going on— 

everything seemed picture perfect for our family. 

You allow me to solely remember the “good times”. 

I will never be able to thank you enough. 

Without you capturing everything

my past, joyful life,

would seem to be nothing but stories. 

The author's comments:

I really enjoyed writing this piece and love that I was able to be creative with stylistic devices. 

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