Worthy | Teen Ink


September 28, 2023
By Anonymous


This world has people who are hidden

This world makes people feel unsafe

This world makes people feel lower of themselves 

This world is filled with pessimistic people

This world makes me feel like I can't be who I am 

This world is beautify 

This world hides its own shadow 

This world should be more open to itself 

People need to have the opening to see their own self worth. When people are in this world they see who they hear other people seeing them as. If someone were to tell a person that they can't be themselves because it's not who they should be. People need to be their own light in life and I want to help guide them and help them see who they really are.

I  shine like a diamond 

I shine like a light 

I shine brighter than the ocean

I shine with my smile

I shine with my eyes

If I see who I am I can help them see who they are. People should be able to open their eyes and not be put down for being humans. Even if everyone is different, everyone should be loved the same.

I see the value in all that is well

I see the worth in this world

I see the worth in myself

I see the worth of others 

I see who I can be

I see who you can be

Don't let people take your shine for I am the light and you are the shine.

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