I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember

September 27, 2023
By evelynmartin1 BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
evelynmartin1 BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember staring at all the sparkling Christmas lights 
Wrapped around the tree on Christmas Eve night 
I remember all of the little girls and boys 
Waiting in anticipation to play with their new toys  
I remember all of the parents grinning from ear to ear 
At the sight of all their children being filled with such cheer 
I remember sledding down the glistening snow 
Ending the night with a pile of snowballs to throw 
I remember getting carefully tucked into bed 
Cheeks still cherry red 
I remember peacefully and excitedly drifting off to sleep 
Dreaming of Santa coming, from me you wouldn’t hear a peep 

The author's comments:

I decided to write about this because some of my most distinct memories as a child were around Christmas time with my family, and I knew I could write about that with the vivid memories that I have. 

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