Journey across Europe | Teen Ink

Journey across Europe

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

Journey across Europe

I was in the mountains north of stockholm sweden

I see the color lavender in the quaint shops I went into 

There is a guy in the corner drinking his margarita 

I go onto a plane and went to the Adriatic sea

Kanye west is there performing a show

The cover art is an angler fish 

I eat chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast

Then I flee to my class

I learn about graham's number in class 

Suddenly my friend gets taken away in a krankenwagen

We all fled the scene 

The ambulance was running red lights.

Dimitri shostakovich is being played in the background

That jawn is driving really fast to the hospital

The investment banker wears his moccasins 

The prognosticator is at the hospital later that night cleaning up

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