I am | Teen Ink

I am

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

I am 

I am a Music lover

I play the piano, trombone, guitar, and drums

I admire making music 

I have my black belt in taekwondo 

I run cross country

I work at Culvers in Waukesha 

I am courteous and affectionate

I love making new friends

I like being in nature

I enjoy exploring new places and new environments

I hear the wind blowing through the pine trees

I see the snow glistening on top of the pine trees 

I worry about college

I worry about my future family

I am astonished by stargazing 

I think about how big the universe really is

I dream about being on top, alone


I tried to use some more stylistic devices and made stanzas. I also fixed the capitalization in this poem today.

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