Autumns Tranquil | Teen Ink

Autumns Tranquil

September 26, 2023
By Anonymous

In Autumn's gentle, golden grace,
When leaves put on their fiery face,
The world adorned in hues so warm,
I find a solace in the storm.

The breeze, a whisper through the trees,
Carries secrets on the autumnal seas,
As leaves descend, in dances slow,
A tapestry of amber and auburn glow.

The scent of earth, a comforting friend,
As summer's reign begins to wane and bend,
Crisp apples fall from laden boughs,
And the harvest moon, in splendor, arouse.

A symphony of rustling leaves,
Beneath our feet, a quilt that weaves,
Each step a song of nature's art,
In every beat, it warms the heart.

The sun sets earlier, days grow short,
Yet in this season, we find our fort,
By fireside's warmth, in cozy attire,
We stoke our spirits, our souls on fire.

Autumn's palette paints the skies,
With amber, crimson, in soft goodbyes,
To summer's heat, and in its stead,
A tranquil coolness, a peace widespread.

As nature's canvas slowly yields,
To winter's chill, on autumn's fields,
I savor these moments, fleeting, but dear,
For in this season, I find the year.

So let me revel in autumn's embrace,
As nature prepares for a quiet space,
In the cool of the breeze and the amber glow,
I find my solace, in the autumn's flow.

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