The Steer That Stole My Heart | Teen Ink

The Steer That Stole My Heart

September 26, 2023
By Avamae529 BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
Avamae529 BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Steer That Stole My Heart


Ozzy, the black and white show steer that changed me,

taught me to be a better, brighter, bolder version of myself.

showed me that dedication and determination pays off.

became my best friend.


He was a warm and fuzzy hug when needed;

a shoulder to cry on, salty tears falling to his coat,

someone I could talk to.

He was my best friend,

and the most painstaking goodbye.

The author's comments:

I had a show steer that I loved and bonded with so much. 

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