Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 26, 2023
By kobradford BRONZE, Eminence, Kentucky
kobradford BRONZE, Eminence, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from playing Video Games

From frozen foods and Great Value groceries

I am from the apartment complexes,

Loud chaotic neighbors like a roaring concert around me at all times

I am from Rose Bushes

As beautiful as the sunset

From the Oak tree,

That we would climb and swing around

Like our own personal playground.

Whose long-gone limbs I remember 

As if they were my own.

I’m from family reunions

A place where everyone from all branches of the tree is momentarily happy.

From Brown Eyes

From Keira Renee and Annabelle Louise

I’m from R&B Music

I am From bad cooking that never failed to make Thanksgiving awkward

A sort of catalyst for chaos

From Mom’s Arachnophobia

I'm From “I Love You’s”, and “Stop destroying things!”

From Cheesy love songs

That we would sing in the car,

As if we were true professionals.

From Meatballs 

On Superbowl Sundays

I’m from Louisville 

From the United States

From Chips and French Onion Dip

My grandma’s favorite.

From My Mom’s made up Ghost Stories

That she convinces herself is true.

I am from these treasured moments.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem for an assignment in my English I class. We were tasked to write about where we are from and to describe the significance of our childhood memories. This is my entry.

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