Home | Teen Ink


September 25, 2023
By kassidy19 BRONZE, Kaukauna, Wisconsin
kassidy19 BRONZE, Kaukauna, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Home is waking up to the sun shining on your first day of preschool, stopping at a bakery for a quick yummy treat for breakfast on the way to school; It is the moment you step out of the car, looking back, watching a singular tear fall from your mom’s face. 
Home is going to the store to find the best Halloween costume days before trick or treating, and the stress when you can't find one you like.
Home is your dad raking the colorful fall leaves into a pile moments before you have the urge to plop right in. 
Home is the smell of eggs, bacon, and buttered toast on a Sunday morning before leaving for church.
Home is not being able to fall asleep the night before your birthday; it is the excitement when you wake up to balloons and a decorated room; it is the smell of homemade buttermilk pancakes topped with a golden brown rich tasting syrup.
Home is wanting to be older.
Home is entering elementary school making friends in the matter of minutes.
Home is the morning of getting your braces on; it is the mixed feelings of excitement, devastation, and nervousness all at once. 
Home is your legs trembling as you step into the batter's box; it is your parents encouragement, and with one swing of the bat you get your first home run.
Home is going to church camp with your best friend for a week, but gettng homesick. 
Home is going to your brother's baseball games; it is the dark skies with 4 shining lights beaming onto the field.
Home is the post game delicious Kwik Trip chicken tenders and fries for dinner.
Home is a stray tabby cat that becomes your forever pet.
Home is the burning sensation on your hand from your curling iron in the midst of doing your hair for 5th grade pictures.
Home is the late night drives blasting music with your brother; it is screaming to Zach Bryan on the radio about to lose your voice.
Home is when you're not ready to say goodbye to your older brother before he heads off to college; It is that last hug before he drives off. 
Home is realizing who your true friends are, the ones who are there for you most when things get hard. Then there are the ones who leave right when you need them most. They constantly make you look at the bad side of things as if I was Eeyore.
Home is wanting to be younger.
Home is the peaceful place you go to when it feels like you're carrying the world on your shoulders.
Home is the unrealistic beauty standards set for girls; it’s comparing yourself to your friends, wondering why you can’t look like them.
Home is the incomparable feeling of losing a grandparent, the guilt you feel looking back at all the times you said “No, maybe a different day” when your parents ask if you want to go see them. 
Home is leaving your childhood softball team for better opportunities; it is realizing you're never going to have your “unstoppable” team playing with your best friends whom you have played with since 8u.
Home is a bittersweet feeling of growing up.
Home is trusting God has a plan for you; it is waiting for that light at the end of the tunel.
Home is your friends.
Home is your family.
Home is your happiness.
Home is your sadness.
Home is the place you always come back to.

The author's comments:

I am an eight grade student at River View middle school in Kaukauna, WI. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and feelings with others through the written word. 

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