Samael | Teen Ink


September 22, 2023
By Dvmpsterfyre BRONZE, Jericho, New York
Dvmpsterfyre BRONZE, Jericho, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh how you have fallen,

Once known as Lightbringer,

Now known as a harbinger,

Blamed for the deeds of the sinner,

Now forever forbidden,

From the City of Light

In the clouds with all their height,

Where God, with all his might,

Hath made you forsaken,

For believing yourself a triumpher,

For which he made you suffer,

You, oh Lucifer,

Member of god’s children,

Once among the likes of Azrael,

Now among the likes of Azazael,

You, once called Samael,

Oh how you have fallen.

The author's comments:

One of my favorite things to learn about is religious history and the legends that sprung out of it, and this piece really serves to tell one of these stories. The story of Samael really represents the rebellious nature within us and it is one of my favorite stories.

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